Monday, November 28, 2011

Splash of Winter

I am very excited for winter to come upon us.  It is my favorite of all the seasons.  While sunshine is beautiful on a early summer morning, I love winter; although I wish it snowed more here in Oregon.
I can't help but be completely happy at this time of the year; smiling for no reason, what with the cold crisp air, snow, Christmas, Christmas decorations, the lights, the music, the food, the time we spend with family and friends, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.
I was getting out my Christmas decorations the other day for my room and thought before I hang up the twinkle lights I will have to use them for a much needed splash photo!  I always wanted to do one, just never gotten around to do it.  I was in a creative, fun mood and decided to try it out!  And of course what better mugs to use than Christmas mugs!  I pulled out two of my favorite coffee mugs brewed some extremely weak coffee (no need to waste perfectly brewed coffee) and began this fun project!  Check it out!
Thanks for stopping by!  Have a great week!

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