Monday, April 1, 2013

J Poetic + My Voice Music = Addition [Beat Tape] Release Fundraiser Dance Party!

It makes me smile when what I do for a living and passions in my life align.  
On March 22,  I had the privilege of photographing J Poetic's beat tape release and benefit for My Voice Music at P:ear in Portland.  What a night!
The event was charged with electricity and the feeling of community was undeniable.  There were great performances from J Poetic himself, Project Heights, Galaxies and youth from My Voice Music.  A cypher was held, and was thoroughly impressed by everyone's performances; my favorite, was when J Poetic's mom got up and did a little impromptu rap of her own!   To end the night with a bang, we had a rockin' dance party! That's right, a DANCE PARTY! I even had the chance to bust a move on the dance floor!

All of the proceeds from this event went to My Voice Music's hip hop and electronic music programs.  This will give youth who would normally not have the means to make music, advance the art form, and pursue their passions.  Over $1,500 was raised for youth in the Portland area during this event.  WOW! I'm excited for all the things My Voice Music has done and has the opportunity to do in the lives of so many teens because of the awesome people who came and gave!
My Voice Music is a nonprofit organization based in Portland that engages youth facing difficult circumstances through music and performance in order to help them cope, heal, and thrive through music, while developing the skills necessary to create a fulfilling life for their future.  

My Voice Music is dedicated to working with youth who have fallen out of the typical realm of community services; targeting youth who would otherwise not have these opportunities due to challenges such as living in the foster care system, experiencing mental health issues, exhibiting extreme behaviors, or with limited economic means.  They partner with local educational programs and human services to reach youth in need through collaborative music programs.  As of the beginning of 2013, MVM reaches over 1,000 youth!!  HOW AWESOME!

Check out this amazing video, it will give you an idea of greatness of this organization!!! 

Check out some of the photos from this event, and my facebook page!

James, the talent behind J Poetic is someone I find truly inspirational and love seeing what he's doing in the lives of youth in his community. James, a native of Portland is a hip hop teacher/mentor at MVM shared part of his story with me. A story of how at a young age he abandoned innocence. James started down a path that lead to pain and rough times for himself and his family. He became influenced by the life of drugs, sex and started acting out; breaking into homes, and became verbally abusive to those who couldn't very well defend themselves. He didn't care, ready to drop out of school and throw his life away. How did this effect his family? His brother had also made choices similar to James which landed him in jail.  Their mother, how difficult this was on her, almost took her own life because it was too hard to bare.

The good thing is that James' story did not end here!!! While still a teenager, something changed within James after starting to read some scripture, specifically the New Testament; Jesus started speaking to him. James decided he didn't want to live this life he had been living for so long. He decided there had to be a change. He chose Jesus! James decided to graduate at the age of 15, and live his life sharing God's love and faithfulness to youth who are heading in the direction he once was, showing them they are loved, special, talented, and valued kids.
'The Lord has redeemed so much in my life, and I'm thankful I get to make music and celebrate His faithfulness and grace through the arts. My Voice Music is one of the ways I get to love on broken kids in the community! My Voice Music works with kids who are broken! I'm thankful to be there!' -James Calkins

"Believe in yourself in order to create something that means enough to give back." 
Believe. Create. Give.

Thanks for stopping by and make sure to check our J Poetic's new album here.  Find out more about My Voice Music, and ways you can help the broken youth in our communities.

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