Friday, August 5, 2011

Senior Rep 2012 | Sara Scott | Senior Portraits

I love taking senior portraits every year.  It is an exciting time in one's life and I can't wait for the season to begin!!!
This year I wanted to do something new and exciting.  That is right, I have a senior rep!  She is amazing!

Meet Sara.  You'll see more and more of her as fall nears, but for now, let's MEET SARA.  Her all time favorite food is fettuccine alfredo (in fact...she'd live solely off it if she could...).    She loves those sunny days and hanging out with her friends.  Every year for the past three years Sara has gone down to Mexico to work with Amor Ministries, building homes for families who are in need.  She is a senior now at Canby High School and will be going to school to become a pediatric nurse, because she loves kids and helping people.  Oh yeah, and she's gorgeous.  Inside & out!

Hey Sara's friends and family!!! She will be handing out these cards you see below with my contact information and an offer for $10 off your session when you bring the card in the day of your session! Don’t forget to “like” my Facebook Page!
Schedule your session today!

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