Monday, August 15, 2011

Your Voice

This past week I've been at the coast counselling at a high school camp!  I grew up going to this camp, and I had an amazing time.  The people I met this week are some of the best in the world, here is just a snapshot of the week!  
The photo below is my booklet cover design I worked on for this camp! I love how it turned out!
I love the beach and Winema, it is my favorite!
I'd like to introduce to you Luke Makwakwa, the missionary for the week who works with Amor Ministries. He taught all of us some amazing things about South Africa and all that they do there. In the photo below, he is teaching us a song Shosholoza. I love this song!!
Below are some photos from free time, forced fun, and worship (my favorite part). If you want to see more from this week take a look here

God is amazing and works in wondrous ways in our lives. He has given all of us a voice, now is the time to go use it!

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