Thursday, September 1, 2011

Sseko Designs 30 ways // 30 days contest

I wanted to take some time to tell you about something I LOVE! Partly because I love the story behind Ssekos, and partly because I need your help! I've been a part of a contest I really want to win and this week its people's choice. So I need as many "likes" on my photos as possible!

Sseko Designs is an apparel company based in Uganda. The produce beautiful, unique leather sandals with interchangeable fabric straps. The reason people are passionate about their Ssekos is because they are hand-made by a group of young woman in Uganda who make the sandals to earn money to finance their university education. They believe in the power of business to help consumers change the world, one sandal at a time. And look really good while doing it.

Before you can help be by liking my photos, you get to "like" the Sseko facebook page! After that step, feel free to "like" all my photos for the week! Here are a few of my entries! Like what you see, you can see my other entries on the Sseko Designs facebook page.

I have provided the link to the photo for you, so you can easily "like" my photo and help me win! One photo at a time!

PHOTO1: Click HERE to like it on facebook
PHOTO2: Click HERE to like it on facebook
PHOTO3: Click HERE to like it on facebook
PHOTO4: Click HERE to like it on facebook
PHOTO5: Click HERE to like it on facebook
PHOTO6: Click HERE to like it on facebook

Thank you for stopping by and helping me win the contest! Oh and by the way, if I win guess what I get!? That is right, a unlimited straps for a year!!!! Yeah! I hope I win!!!

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