Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Happy Wednesday everyone! What a lovely day it is!

First of all I would like to say thank you to all who participated in applying for my Senior Rep Program for 2013! This is my first year running an official rep program and it was exhilarating to read all the applications that were submitted!! What a fantastic job you all did and made my decision very difficult.

I am very excited to finally announce the 2013 Senior Rep for MelRae Photography & Designs!  As a Senior Representative, this girl will be my ambassador, my spokesperson and my 'voice' in her school and community.  I just loved her application an can't wait to work with her!

Okay, I wont stall any longer...

MelRae Photography & Designs' Senior Rep for 2013 is none other than...MIYKA WHITING!!!! Congratulations Miyka! You did a wonderful job and I can't wait to get to know you more, and create gorgeous images with you!! You will be an amazing senior rep, I just know it!

Thank you all for stopping by and participating!
Have a wonderful week!

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